Our staff are our Greatest Asset
Wynn Park Villa is a sixty bed Long Term Care facility. We strive to provide excellent care and support for both our residents and their loved ones. Our goal is to make each resident who resides with us as safe and comfortable as possible.
Our staff are our greatest asset and they know that our motto is the resident comes first. Our residents are treated with dignity and respect and we take great pride in providing holistic care to all of our residents.

The Staff Room
For a list of currently available positions at Wynn Park Villa please visit our Current Opportunities page.
A Healthy Workplace
Wynn Park Villa is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment and all employees of Wynn Park Villa are entitled to pursue their duties in a respectful workplace. All employees, regardless of role or position in the organization, are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner.
A Thorough Orientation
Wynn Park Villa has an orientation process in place to introduce new employees to the facility and his or her specific duties within the facility. Orientation consists of an initial orientation meeting. During this time you will begin by meeting with Human Resources to review policies and procedures; fire safety plan and the Wynn Park Villa employee handbook; sign paperwork and set up regular orientation shifts; get set up with the finger recognition sign in/out system; have a brief tour of the facility; have a brief orientation to our electronic system for Resident Information; Civica and meet the other managers.
Straight-forward Scheduling
The regular hours of work for full-time employees will be eighty-four hours per bi-weekly pay period (CCA’s/LPNS) and eighty hours for all other staff.
The scheduling of shifts shall be subject to the operational requirements of Wynn Park VIlla; however, HR agrees to provide employees affected by any changes to the present schedule with a minimum of two week’s notice of any such changes
Simple Time Off Requests
If the time off request is a period of one-week or less, at least a two-week notice period is required. If the time off request is one-week or longer, we encourage as much notice as possible.
If the request is for one shift, and HR was unable to approve the request, employees are encouraged to attempt to exchange their shift with a co-worker.