Welcome! We understand that moving into a Long-Term Care Facility is a big life change. We would like to help you reduce the stress by letting you know ahead of time what you can expect on move-in day.
By now you should have had your preadmission meeting with the Director of Finance and Director of Care. At that meeting, with the Director of Finance you should have:
- Signed the admission agreement.
- Brought in a void cheque and filled out a financial preauthorization debit form.
- Filled out an application for Lawton’s Drug store.
- Discussed opening a Resident Trust Account and,
- Brought in a cheque or cash for the 1st month payment.

One of the stairwells at Wynn Park Villa
With the Director of Care you should have:
- Been given Substitute Decision Maker forms and,
- Care Directive form.
If you did not cover these entire basis at the preadmission meeting please see the Director of Finance or Director of Care the day of move-in.