Personal Belongings/Furniture

You may bring in personal items as space permits. Each unit has two semi-private rooms, and the remainder are private rooms. The semi-private rooms are designed for couples, two males, or two females. We encourage you to make your space as home-like as possible. However, due to safety and space, only one chair (i.e. a recliner) is permitted in each room per resident. All chairs, desks, etc. must be seen and approved by maintenance before being brought in. We recommend that items of monetary value be left at a family member or loved ones’ home. Cash can be deposited into your own Trust Account in the Business Office. If you are unsure of a specific item you would like to bring, please ask our Maintenance staff if it is suitable for your room. We suggest bringing in family photos to be put on your bulletin board. Please ensure any electrical items are approved by Maintenance prior to bringing them to your room, for example, televisions, radios, fans, or lamps.

Common Area at Wynn Park Villa

What NOT to Bring

The following are examples of items that are not allowed in a long-term care facility:

  • Heating Devices
  • Heating Pads/Blankets
  • Hot Water Bottle
  • Exercise Equipment
  • Extension Cords
  • Creams or Gels containing medical ingredients without an order from a Physician (I.e. Rub A535, Polysporin, etc.)
  • Over the Counter Drugs without orders from a Physician (I.e. Tylenol, Gravol, Tums)
  • Jack Knives
  • Floor Rugs
  • Rocking Chair
  • Candles
  • Weapons (Antique or Otherwise)
  • Humidifiers & Vaporizers
  • Cleaning Supplies & Air Fresheners
  • Talcum Powder (Baby Powder)
  • Bars of soap

If you have an item which you are uncertain as to whether is it acceptable to bring or not, please do not hesitate to call and ask. Maintenance Staff are here 8:00am to 4:00pm, seven days a week. The Director of Care and Administrative Assistant are here Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.